Be in the know. 10 key reads for Saturday…

  1. Intel Solidifies $3.5 Billion Deal to Make Chips for Military (bloomberg)
  2. Economists widely expect PBOC to ease monetary policy in the coming weeks, including by reducing the amount of cash lenders must keep in reserve. The central bank could also lower the interest rate on policy loans to reduce banks’ funding cost. (bloomberg)
  3. EV Leases Go as Low as $20 a Month to Help Dealers Clear Their Lots (bloomberg)
  4. Boeing Craft’s Smooth Return Spotlights NASA’s Safety Calculus (blommberg)
  5. China’s First Retirement Age Hike Since 1978 Triggers Discontent (bloomberg)
  6. Why It’s Not Too Late to Swap Tech for Tech Beneficiaries, From Utilities to REITs (barrons)
  7. Rates Could Fall Below 3% In This Cycle, Says This Economist (barrons)
  8. Lululemon CEO Bought Up the Slumping Stock (barrons)
  9. Boeing’s bonds are being snapped up as stock slides on strike worries (marketwatch)
  10. Hennessey’s New Roadster Is The ‘World’s Most Powerful Manual’ Hypercar (maxim)