- China satisfied with Boeing 737 MAX changes, seeks industry feedback – document (Reuters)
- Week Before Thanksgiving, DJIA up 19 of 28, but weaker lately (Almanac Trader)
- ECRI Weekly Leading Index Update (advisorperspectives)
- So what is “the metaverse,” exactly? (arstechnica)
- Can Biden and Xi talk their way out of a slide into conflict? (LA Times)
- What Xi Jinping’s Elevated Status Signals for Chinese Foreign Policy (cfr)
- Alex Ovechkin Isn’t Too Old To Be (And Beat) A Great One (fivethirtyeight)
- Thomas S. Gayner on Things That Matter in Markets (Podcast) (bloomberg)
- Robert Cialdini: The Principles of Persuasion [The Knowledge Project Ep. #122] (farnam street)
- This Is the Perfect Storm That Caused Grain Prices to Soar (bloomberg)
- Stinson Dean on the Lumber Crash That Followed the Boom (bloomberg)
Be in the know. 11 key reads for Sunday…