- Amazon Stock Split and Buyback Could Deliver Much-Needed Liftoff (bloomberg)
- House Passes $1.5 Trillion Spending Bill (barrons)
- China Supports Tech Firm U.S. IPO Revival, Signaling End to Freeze (bloomberg)
- JD Revenue Rises 23% in Defiance of China’s Consumption Slowdown (bloomberg)
- European Central Bank surprises markets with plan to wind down stimulus sooner than planned (cnbc)
- China’s 5.5% Growth Target Is a Big Reach (wsj)
- Inflation rises 7.9% in February, a new 40-year high (foxbusiness)
- Roblox (RBLX) for PlayStation Appears to Be on the Horizon (streetinsider)
- The Rich List: The 21st Annual Ranking of the Highest- Earning Hedge Fund Managers (institutionalinvestor)
- Russia rejects Ukraine ‘neutrality’ proposals at deadlocked talks (ft)
- The Big Read. The rising costs of China’s friendship with Russia (ft)
- ‘Brutal’ selling in speculative tech stocks knocks Tiger Cub hedge funds (ft)
- S. unemployment claims climb 11,000 to 227,000, but still near pandemic low (marketwatch)
- ‘We can’t stay in a state of panic.’ Forecaster who predicted a series of rolling bear markets has just turned bullish. (marketwatch)
- Walk and Chew Gum. The Energy Report 03/10/2022 (Phil Flynn)
- GE Holds the Line on 2022, Lays Out Its Future at Investor Meeting (barrons)
- These Beaten-Up Closed-End Funds Are Future Bargains (barrons)
- Wall Street Sends Fresh Alarms on Bond Liquidity as QE Era Ends (bloomberg)
- China’s February Auto Sales Get Boost From New-Energy Vehicles (bloomberg)
- United Airlines to Let Unvaccinated Workers Return (wsj)
Be in the know. 20 key reads for Thursday…