Be in the know. 7 key reads for Friday…

  1. Closely watched Atlanta Fed GDP model now sees growth at just 1.4 percent for fourth quarter (CNBC)
  2. Quantum Computing Companies Aim To Go Where No Computer Has Gone Before (Investor’s Business Daily)
  3. U.S., China haggle over toughest issues in trade war talks (Reuters)
  4. Pimco: The ‘sugar rush’ is almost over, so it’s time to ‘de-risk’ and raise cash (MarketWatch)
  5. Natural Gas Price Rises on Another Big Storage Drawdown (24/7 Wall Street)
  6. Kraft Heinz discloses SEC probe, $15 billion write-down; shares dive 20 percent (Reuters)
  7. A currency war would be one-sided if US/China trade dispute escalates (HedgeWeek)

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