“Wrong Side of the Wave” Stock Market (and Sentiment Results)…

Last week, my family and I took a trip out to visit friends in Whitefish, MT for a long weekend.  We had an amazing time. On the first day we went out on the lake and both me and my daughters learned how to ski behind the boat.  I was able to get up and surf for a reasonable amount of time, but being on the “wrong side of the wave” made balancing harder than it needed to be:

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The “Better Than Feared” Stock Market (and Sentiment Results)…

Philip Vassiliou, the CIO of Legatum (who we interviewed a few weeks ago here), thoughtfully sent me this great note on Wednesday – written by another investing legend Howard Marks.  I’ve read Howard’s notes over the years, but this was one of the best.  The most important lines for me were: Continue reading “The “Better Than Feared” Stock Market (and Sentiment Results)…”

“As Bad As It Gets” Stock Market (and Sentiment Results)…

In 1997, Jack Nicholson co-starred with Helen Hunt in a movie called, “As Good As it Gets.”  When it comes to markets, you want to be a SELLER when things are “As Good As it Gets.”  However, it pays to be a BUYER when things are “As Bad As it Gets.” Continue reading ““As Bad As It Gets” Stock Market (and Sentiment Results)…”