Snake OIL? How Portfolio Managers View Exploration & Production Stocks…

I was doing my normal stock, earnings and sector research over the weekend and I came across this Exploration and Production Sector chart XOP (above).  The 2007-2009 financial crisis was a “once in a generation” collapse similar to 1973-1974 and prior to that the Great Depression.  The implication of this sector trading at 2009 levels today – is that Oil and Gas Exploration and Production stocks are “snake oil” as defined by as: a product of little real worth or value that is promoted as the solution to a problem. Continue reading “Snake OIL? How Portfolio Managers View Exploration & Production Stocks…”

Frank & Jerome (The Chairmen) agree: The Best is Yet to Come (AAII Sentiment Results)

Ol’ blue eyes recorded the song “The Best is Yet to Come” in 1964.  What is interesting about both the song and the year – is that the expansion had been going for 11 years at that point (from 1953).  How much further could it run?  Continue reading “Frank & Jerome (The Chairmen) agree: The Best is Yet to Come (AAII Sentiment Results)”


Source: Finviz

This is not the price action I would expect to see in Soybeans, Hogs, and Gas given all of negativity today around China.  Is something brewing?