The Buster Poindexter – Hot Hot Hot – Stock Market (and Sentiment Results)…

I chose this song “Hot Hot Hot,” by Buster Poindexter, to embody the sentiment of this week’s stock market.  After breaking 30,000 on the DOW, my mom is now calling me to ask if she should buy Pfizer.  “Must be a top,” say the contrarians.  But are they right? Continue reading “The Buster Poindexter – Hot Hot Hot – Stock Market (and Sentiment Results)…”

The AC/DC “Thunderstruck” Stock Market (and Sentiment Results)…

With yesterday’s weakness into the close, we chose AC/DC’s, “Thunderstruck” as the song to embody current stock market sentiment.  The end of day sell off was precipitated by the NYC Mayor’s decision to close all schools. Continue reading “The AC/DC “Thunderstruck” Stock Market (and Sentiment Results)…”

The “Knee Jerk” Stock Market (and Sentiment Results)…

It has been a whirlwind 48 hours.  Since there is so much to discuss regarding the election and its implications, the stock market outlook, and the initial knee-jerk reaction of the stock market, I thought it would be more helpful to put the majority of this week’s article in video than print (so I could cover more ground in a shorter period of time). Continue reading “The “Knee Jerk” Stock Market (and Sentiment Results)…”

The Taylor Swift “You Need To Calm Down” Stock Market (and Sentiment Results)…

A little over a week ago my wife and I were at a local restaurant in CT (called Posa) with a few friends (I had the delicious Branzino).  While we were waiting for our appetizers (Bufala Mozzarella) I overheard a gentleman at the table next to us saying, “this market is crazy, it’s a bubble, it’s going to crash, it can’t keep going up.”  Continue reading “The Taylor Swift “You Need To Calm Down” Stock Market (and Sentiment Results)…”