February Bank of America Global Fund Manager Survey Results (Summary)

Data Source: Bank of America

Each month, Bank of America conducts a survey of ~200 fund managers with > $600B AUM.  Here are the key takeaways from the survey published on Feb 18, 2020: Continue reading “February Bank of America Global Fund Manager Survey Results (Summary)”

The Chris Janson “Good Vibes” Stock Market (and Sentiment Results)…

This week’s Stock Market commentary and sentiment can best be described by country star Chris Janson’s song, “Good Vibes:”

I ain’t watchin’ TV today
Bad news, it can just stay away
If you ain’t got anything good to say
Then shut your mouth
I got my windows down and my blinders on
Radio set to my favorite song
All green lights on the road I’m on
Man, there ain’t no doubt

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The end of oil, or just the beginning? (and Sentiment Results)

In the past week, sentiment on the Energy Sector has sunk to an all-time low (despite having the highest estimated earnings growth of any sector – for 2020).  Several prominent market figures have even called for the end of the sector.

Mark Twain once said, “Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated.”

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“Are you tired of winning yet?” Stock Market (and Sentiment Results)…

James Branch Cabell, “The optimist claims we live in the best of all possible worlds, and the pessimist fears this is true.”

In many of his campaign rallies, President Trump said, “you’re going to start winning so much that you’re going to beg that I can’t take it anymore!”

Well that was quite a tall order, but regardless of what side of the political spectrum you lie on, Wednesday’s “Phase 1” deal was a big win for the U.S., for China, and the rest of the world. Continue reading ““Are you tired of winning yet?” Stock Market (and Sentiment Results)…”

The CAKE “Short Skirt, Long Jacket” Stock Market (and Sentiment Results)

In 2001, the band CAKE released their hit song, “Short Skirt, Long Jacket.”  If you replace the word “girl” for “stock market” (in the lyrics below) you’ll see the commonalities with today’s investor. Continue reading “The CAKE “Short Skirt, Long Jacket” Stock Market (and Sentiment Results)”

The Earth, Wind & Fire “Shining Star” Stock Market (and Sentiment Results)

In 1975, Earth, Wind & Fire released their famous song entitled, “Shining Star.”  The salient lyrics – as they relate to the Stock Market in this week’s note are:

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The “Fly Me to the Moon” Stock Market (and Sentiment Results)

This Monday I was asked on Fox Business if the Grinch would come to steal Christmas.  I laid out a number of reasons why I believed the coast was clear until year-end and what I was Continue reading “The “Fly Me to the Moon” Stock Market (and Sentiment Results)”

The J. Paul Getty (Energy) Stock Market (and Sentiment Results)

In 1965, J. Paul Getty – once the richest man in America – published his book, “How To Be Rich.”  His intent with this book was to lay out his “formula” for success and pass it on to future generations.

Continue reading “The J. Paul Getty (Energy) Stock Market (and Sentiment Results)”

The “Crazy Rich Asians” Stock Market (and Sentiment Results)

“Crazy Rich Asians” is a 2018 American romantic comedy film directed by Jon M. Chu.  The film chronicles a Chinese-American professor who travels to meet her boyfriend’s family and is surprised to discover they are among the richest in Asia. Continue reading “The “Crazy Rich Asians” Stock Market (and Sentiment Results)”