(100% Recent Accuracy) Is Healthcare about to get Sick?

This week we covered the Nasdaq 100 “Bullish Percent” and what it potentially implied for the QQQ moving forward.  It has deteriorated from 78 to 75% since we put up the post:

What “Nasdaq 100 Bullish Percent” is saying about the market now…

Right now, the “Bullish Percent” Healthcare Sector is coming in at 70.97% (off its recent peak of 72.58%). The above chart is the “Bullish Percent Index” for the Healthcare Sector (red and black line) with the Healthcare Sector ETF (XLV) in the background (all black line).

The Bullish Percent Index, or BPI, is a breadth indicator that shows the percentage of stocks on Point & Figure Buy Signals. There is no ambiguity on P&F charts because a stock is either on a P&F Buy Signal or P&F Sell Signal. The Bullish Percent Index fluctuates between 0% and 100%.

In December, the Bullish Percent for Healthcare got below 15%. Historically, it has paid off big time to buy a dip in this reading below 15.

Here’s what it has done: In each instance where the Healthcare “Bullish Percent” has dropped below 15%, when it rebounded back above 69%, it always dropped back again to at least 50% before resuming higher.

So what does that imply?

It implies we could see a pullback as noted by the 3 previous instances marked by the blue vertical lines. What did the pullback (retest) to the 50% (or lower) Bullish Percent mean to the Healthcare Sector ETF (XLV) in percentage terms the last three times (XLV is the black line in the background of the chart)?

Example 1: From Feb 6, 2009 (when Bullish Percent Healthcare rebounded above 69) to March 6, 2009 (when it retested below 50), the XLV dropped 21.49%

Example 2: From September 1, 2011 (when Bullish Percent Healthcare rebounded above 69) to October 4, 2011 (when it retested below 50), the XLV dropped 10.29%

Example 3: From December 29, 2015 (when Bullish Percent Healthcare rebounded above 69) to February 9, 2016 (when it retested below 50), the XLV dropped 14.32%

A few things to keep in mind:

1. Despite the nasty retest in all three instances, the market ultimately rebounded and made significant new highs. In both 2016 and 2011 it was right away. In 2008 it took longer.

2. This sample is VERY small. The minimum you ever want to consider is 3 instances. This is the minimum and may be statistically insignificant – but worth noting.

3. As with all indicators they are to be used as a barometer, NOT a crystal ball. It is always helpful to have a handful of indicators working in the background so you can measure where you generally are in terms of extremes.

The key is taking probability advantaged trades over a series – with a positive expected outcome – and disciplined risk management and sizing to win over time.

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Be in the know. 10 key reads for Saturday…

  1. Our (Hedge Fund Tips) article featured on ZeroHedge.com: Imminent Accounting Change Rhymes with 2007-2009 – $3 Trillion Impact… (Zero Hedge)
  2. Week in review: How Trump’s policies moved stocks: (The Fly)
  3. Who Are 2019’s Best Online Brokers? (Barron’s)
  4. Wall Street Has It Wrong. You’re a Smart Investor. (Wall Street Journal)
  5. A recession signal with a multi-decade track record is cropping up again, and it has Wall Street on standby for the next crisis (Business Insider)
  6. 25 Billion Quarterly Loss for Berkshire Hathaway as Buffett Abandons Book Value Focus: (24/7 Wall Street)
  7. Fed Considers Letting Inflation Run Hot, Vice Chair Clarida Says (TheStreet)
  8. The greatest investor you’ve never heard of.  An optometrist who beat the odds to become a billionaire (Forbes)
  9. The Bespoke Report — Equities Still Truckin’ (Bespoke)
  10. The Big Short’s Michael Burry Reveals His Latest Stock Picks for the First Time Since 2016 (Insider Monkey)

Insider Buying

On February 19, 2019, Glenn Kelman– CEO of Redfin Corp. (RDFN) – purchased 25,532 shares of MAT at $19.56. His out of pocket cost was $499,495.

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Be in the know. 7 key reads for Friday…

  1. Closely watched Atlanta Fed GDP model now sees growth at just 1.4 percent for fourth quarter (CNBC)
  2. Quantum Computing Companies Aim To Go Where No Computer Has Gone Before (Investor’s Business Daily)
  3. U.S., China haggle over toughest issues in trade war talks (Reuters)
  4. Pimco: The ‘sugar rush’ is almost over, so it’s time to ‘de-risk’ and raise cash (MarketWatch)
  5. Natural Gas Price Rises on Another Big Storage Drawdown (24/7 Wall Street)
  6. Kraft Heinz discloses SEC probe, $15 billion write-down; shares dive 20 percent (Reuters)
  7. A currency war would be one-sided if US/China trade dispute escalates (HedgeWeek)

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