Hedge Fund Tips with Tom Hayes – Podcast – Episode 59

Article referenced in podcast above:

The Bob Dylan, “Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door” Stock Market (and Sentiment Results)…

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Stock Market (and Sentiment Results)…

This week I chose the 1966 Italian Spaghetti Western (The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly) as the theme for our article – and it has nothing to do with Mario Draghi becoming the new Prime Minister of Italy. Continue reading “The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Stock Market (and Sentiment Results)…”

The Yogi Berra, “Fork in the Road” Stock Market (and Sentiment Results)…

Yogi Berra was not only a great baseball player, but a good humorist to boot.  One of his most popular “Yogiisms” was, “When you come to a fork in the road, take it.” Continue reading “The Yogi Berra, “Fork in the Road” Stock Market (and Sentiment Results)…”