What I’m reading today…

  1. Disney CEO Bob Iger Says Spending Billions on Theme Parks Is a No-Brainer (Barron’s)
  2. Best Income Investments for 2019 (Barron’s)
  3. Cancer Deaths Decline 27% Over 25 Years (Wall Street Journal)
  4. Small-Cap Stocks Take On New Shine as Markets Slump (Wall Street Journal)
  5. S., China Negotiators Narrow Differences on Trade (Walll Street Journal)
  6. Big hedge funds make gains, most slump in 2018 returns (New York Post)
  7. This Activist Investor Should’ve Believed More in His Plan (Bloomberg)
  8. Trump Wants Trade Deal With China to Boost Stocks (Bloomberg)
  9. Trump is probably going to get his way with the Federal Reserve this year (CNBC)
  10. Hedge fund managers are betting big against these 12 stocks, Bank of America says (Business Insider)